Uniting with 600,000 PCAs standing together nationwide
For our consumers, for our loved ones, for ourselves
Funding for quality home care is under attack, and with PCAs and home care consumers scattered all over our states, it’s hard to stand up with the strength we need to defend our critical programs.
Across the nation, PCAs have united in SEIU Healthcare to successfully protect our consumers and loved ones against cuts to the care they need. As an organization of more than 600,000 PCAs, we speak with a voice that lawmakers hear.
In Massachusetts, Illinois, Oregon and California, we stopped lawmakers from cutting the programs on which our consumers and loved ones rely. In many more states, we made sure lawmakers wouldn’t even try to cut hours.
Too often, quality, loving PCAs have to leave their consumers or loved ones to find jobs that offer benefits, time off or more hours. It’s a heart-wrenching decision for PCAs but we can’t care for others if we can’t take care of ourselves. For some consumers, constant PCA turnover gets in the way of receiving the stable care they need.
That’s why we’re standing together for improvements. PCAs in 10 states have united in SEIU Healthcare and worked together to make home care more stable and reliable for consumers. We’ve won paid sick time, paid days off, access to health insurance and increased wages.
Now, Connecticut’s PCAs have the opportunity to come together in Home Care Workers United – District 1199, SEIU, a branch of SEIU Healthcare.