“The New England Health Care Employees Union, SEIU 1199NE, strongly supports the protection and advancement of women’s rights, including having the freedom of choice to exercise the reproductive right to safely terminate a pregnancy. The majority opinion issued today by the Supreme Court of the United States reversing the abortion rights that were settled in Roe v. Wade tramples on this fundamental freedom to choose and places thousands of people’s lives in peril.

Justices Sotomayor’s, Kagan’s and Breyer’s minority dissent opinion is correct that this Supreme Court ruling by an extremist majority of reckless justices will result in “the curtailment of women’s rights, and of their status as free and equal citizens.” The wealthy and privileged will continue to be able to access safe, effective reproductive services. But this will impact poor and working-class women in devastating ways.
As a fighting union for social and economic rights of Black, Latina, API, white and working-class caregivers, SEIU1199NE will continue fighting to ensure that women are no longer treated as second-class citizens. We will not submit to a rollback of the 20th century advances on women’s rights, union rights, voting rights, and racial justice.”
Please see SEIU President Mary Kay Henry’s statement here: https://bit.ly/3Np1iA9
Rob Baril, President SEIU 1199NE
Suzanne Clark, Secretary-Treasurer
Kindra Fontes-May, Vice President
Diedre Murch, Vice President
Rebecca Simonsen, Vice President